Back after an intensive week in Los Angeles!

Back after an intensive week in Los Angeles!

Back after an intensive week in LA

Back after an intensive week in LA

Hey guys, I’m back in Sweden after an insanely intensive and exciting trip to Los Angeles! Besides enjoying everything this amazing city has to offer, I also got the chance to have a bunch of inspired meetings with some really great people.

Indie Music Channel InterveiewKicked things off with an awesome meeting & radio interview for the Indie Music Channel with lovely Christopher Ewing at the Sunset Gower Studios in Hollywood.

HMMA Brent HarveyThis was followed by an exciting and rewarding meeting with none other than the head of the Hollywood Music in Media Awards, Mr. Brent Harvey.

I was also fortunate enough to meet up and perform with my dear and talented friend Jonathan Fritzén and Vincent Ingala at the Newport Beach Jazz Festival!Newport Beach Jazz Festival

I want to thank everybody involved – I truly had the time of my life! 🙂

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