Laila Adèle at the Hollywood Music in Media Awards

Laila Adèle at the Hollywood Music in Media Awards

Laila Adèle on the red carpet at the 2016 Hollywood Music in Media Awards
Laila Adèle on the red carpet at the 2016 Hollywood Music in Media Awards

Laila Adèle on the red carpet at the 2016 Hollywood Music in Media Awards.

Laila is back in Sweden after attending the 2016 Hollywood Music in Media Awards at the Fonda Theatre in Los Angeles last week, where she was nominated in the R&B/Soul category for her song ”Blame It All On You”.

The ceremony did not result in any award, but all in all the night was amazing with great people and fantastic music! And how about the absolutely gorgeous dress made by Sara Paulsson at Tyglust? Wow!

Laila would like to express her most sincere gratitude to everyone who supported and rooted for her, as well as an equally sincere congratulations to all the well deserved winners. And remember – there’s always next year! 🙂

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